One Dozen Vibrant Roses


Can't decide what color of roses are your favorite?

Then we suggest you mix it up a little and enjoy the beauty of our dozen assorted roses! This classic arrangement features one dozen vibrant roses surrounded by pittosporum and Eucalyptus foliage. This versatile arrangement would make a great gift for a birthday, anniversary, or just because!

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Can't decide what color of roses are your favorite?

Then we suggest you mix it up a little and enjoy the beauty of our dozen assorted roses! This classic arrangement features one dozen vibrant roses surrounded by pittosporum and Eucalyptus foliage. This versatile arrangement would make a great gift for a birthday, anniversary, or just because!

Can't decide what color of roses are your favorite?

Then we suggest you mix it up a little and enjoy the beauty of our dozen assorted roses! This classic arrangement features one dozen vibrant roses surrounded by pittosporum and Eucalyptus foliage. This versatile arrangement would make a great gift for a birthday, anniversary, or just because!

Fields of Beauty
6 Red Roses
Two Dozen Red Roses
Majestic Garden Vase
from $149.00
DESIGNER'S CHOICE- Wrapped Bouquet
from $55.00