Two Dozen Red Roses


Send the gift of flowers with two dozen long stem Red Roses arranged with baby's breath and greenery. This bouquet is a classic twenty-four premium roses arrangement that is stunning and sure to please for any occasion.

Approximately 28" W x 20" H

Please Note

Flowers, containers and additional gift items may vary by season and availability. However, be rest assured that our team will make sure your flower arrangements and gift items are presented beautifully at the time of pick-up or delivery.

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Send the gift of flowers with two dozen long stem Red Roses arranged with baby's breath and greenery. This bouquet is a classic twenty-four premium roses arrangement that is stunning and sure to please for any occasion.

Approximately 28" W x 20" H

Please Note

Flowers, containers and additional gift items may vary by season and availability. However, be rest assured that our team will make sure your flower arrangements and gift items are presented beautifully at the time of pick-up or delivery.

Send the gift of flowers with two dozen long stem Red Roses arranged with baby's breath and greenery. This bouquet is a classic twenty-four premium roses arrangement that is stunning and sure to please for any occasion.

Approximately 28" W x 20" H

Please Note

Flowers, containers and additional gift items may vary by season and availability. However, be rest assured that our team will make sure your flower arrangements and gift items are presented beautifully at the time of pick-up or delivery.

Majestic Garden Vase
from $149.00
Fields of Beauty
One Dozen Vibrant Roses
12 Red Roses with Modern Foliage
from $92.00
Box of Sun